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Vous avez trouvé le poste d’ingénieur système qui vous convient ? Il ne reste plus qu’à présenter votre profil dans un curriculum correctement rédigé. Pour bien construire un CV d’ingénieur système :
- Respectez la structure conventionnelle (titre, coordonnées, accroche, etc.)
- Résumez vos principaux points forts dans un paragraphe introductif.
- Montrez votre maîtrise des différents systèmes d’exploitation en présentant votre expérience professionnelle et votre formation.
- Mettez en valeur vos principales compétences techniques et humaines.
- Sublimez le tout avec une mise en page claire, unique et percutante.
Les étapes sont relativement simples, mais le processus peut être long et délicat si vous n’avez pas l’habitude de postuler. Mais pas de panique, nos experts en recrutement sont là pour vous aider !
Exemple de CV d’ingénieur système
To help you visualize the final result, we offer you this example of an embedded systems engineer CV. If you wish, take inspiration from its structure to create your own application.
Clement Roux
06 12 34 56 78
109, Square de la Couronne
With a degree in computer engineering, I have two years of experience with a computer engineering services company. Passionate about science, I am particularly interested in new technologies and advances in the field. Rigorous and very meticulous, I have a great deal of autonomy in my work, but I also appreciate discussions within a team, in order to move forward together on problem solving.
01/2023 – Present
- installation and management of a specific computer system
- protection of confidential information on the network
- advice tailored to the needs of the company for better use of IT tools
- encouragement of the development of innovative solutions
- coordination of emergency repairs and management of a team
09/2022 – 11/2022: Assistant system engineer (internship)
- assistance with the installation of a specific computer system
- management of user accounts and system access permissions
- installation of antivirus and regular monitoring of their updates
- help with various administrative tasks
09/2019 – 06/2022: Engineering diploma specializing in computer science,
École Polytechnique of the University of Paris XI
06/2019: Baccalaureate specializing in digital and computer science
Lycée Colbert, Paris
- Computer programming (HTML, JavaScript)
- Design of technical documentation
- Equipment testing
- Software Installation
- Professional monitoring
- Dynamism
- Flexibility
- mother tongue
- English:fluent
Rédigez votre CV d’ingénieur système étape par étape
Vous n’avez pas l’habitude de rédiger votre candidature et vous ne savez pas comment faire un CV d’ingénieur système percutant ? Nous vous expliquons tout dans notre guide détaillé. Du titre aux sections annexes, construisez le curriculum parfait !
Titre du CV
La première étape est de donner à votre candidature un titre concis et descriptif. Sa fonction première est d’annoncer clairement le type d’emploi qui vous intéresse. Reprenez l’intitulé exact du poste mentionné dans l’offre d’emploi. Si vous proposez vos services dans le cadre d’une candidature spontanée, essayez de vous renseigner sur la terminologie utilisée par l’entreprise pour adapter votre titre.
Pour capter l’attention des recruteurs, vous pouvez étoffer votre titre en précisant votre expérience, votre domaine de spécialité, votre formation ou encore vos principales compétences. Voici quelques exemples de titres pour votre CV : « Ingénieur système Linux », « Ingénieur systèmes embarqués (10 ans d’expérience) », « Ingénieur systèmes aéronautiques et spatiaux », etc.
Pour décrocher un entretien et obtenir un poste d’ingénieur système, il est indispensable de donner aux recruteurs un moyen de vous recontacter. Dans la rubrique « Coordonnées », indiquez :
- Vos noms et prénoms
- Votre adresse électronique
- Votre numéro de téléphone
- Votre adresse postale (facultatif)
Vous pouvez compléter cette section en ajoutant un lien vers votre profil LinkedIn ou vers d’autres réseaux sociaux professionnels.
N’oubliez pas de relire cette rubrique avant chaque envoi de votre CV d’ingénieur système. Vérifiez que vos coordonnées sont à jour et qu’elles ne contiennent aucune erreur. Les conséquences seraient catastrophiques pour votre recherche d’emploi.
Objectif professionnel
The professional objective , also called hook, is a short paragraph that serves as an introduction to your resume. Placed at the top of your page, it summarizes your career by presenting your main arguments. Mention your years of experience, your degrees, your main achievements and any other valuable element. Be careful not to go into too much detail. The other sections of your systems engineer resume are intended for this purpose. In this part, you should simply mention your strong points to encourage recruiters to read on.
To demonstrate your mastery of different operating systems, present your training diploma by diploma. This is one of the most important sections of your application. Provide all the information necessary to convince recruiters of your level of expertise.
For each of your certifications, please specify:
- The title of the diploma obtained
- The date of its obtaining
- The establishment and the city frequented
If you don’t have any experience, you should focus your systems engineer resume on the “Education” section. Don’t hesitate to add a list of the courses received and projects carried out within your school for each period of study.
Expérience professionnelle
Finally, here is the famous “ Professional experience ” section, the one that can change everything. Most applications are built around this section, which occupies the central place. To present your career in a fluid and impactful way, indicate for each job held:
- The job title
- Contract start and end dates
- The name of the structure that employed you
- A bulleted list describing your duties and responsibilities.
If you already have a rich professional background, don’t make a full and detailed presentation of it. To optimize your systems engineer CV, focus on the experiences that have the most obvious links with the job offer that interests you.
The last essential section, the ” Skills ” section, focuses on your most relevant skills for the job offer. Read it carefully and note the skills mentioned or suggested. By mentioning them in this section, you will inevitably attract the attention of recruiters.
Don’t limit yourself to your technical know-how. Certain skills and personal qualities represent a real selling point in a systems engineer CV: the ability to learn and adapt, curiosity, responsiveness, etc.
Here are some examples of skills to mention in your resume.
- Computer programming (specify languages mastered)
- Design of technical documentation
- Equipment testing
- Software Installation
- Implementing tests
- Professional monitoring
- Dynamism
- Flexibility
- Organization
- Team spirit
Mise en page
If your presentation is as boring as an HTML document, you’re unlikely to land a job as a systems engineer.
A good application relates not only to impactful content, but also to a unique, elegant and, above all, readable layout.
First, space out the different sections and arrange them harmoniously on your page. Also, make sure to use a line spacing of at least 1.15. Also
, make sure to choose a neutral font and a size between 9 and 12. Your recipient will appreciate your efforts to save them a headache.
Finally, we recommend adding a photo to your systems engineer resume. It will be easier to impress recruiters by associating a face with your application.
Les bons réflexes à adopter pour réussir votre CV d’ingénieur système
Adapter votre candidature à l’offre d’emploi
Before even writing your resume, take the time to clearly identify the job offer and the company that interests you. By identifying the expectations related to the targeted position, you will be able to present the most relevant elements of your background, which will considerably increase your chances of landing a job interview.
Organiser vos informations par ordre de priorité
Make sure to highlight the most important information on your page. Here is an example of a layout for a double-column systems engineer resume:
- In the header: the title, your contact details and your professional objective
- In the central part: your experience and training
- In the sidebar: your skills and any additional sections.
Les fautes d’orthographe
A spelling mistake in your application is just as disastrous as a coding error. As a systems engineer, you need to pay close attention to detail. A CV full of mistakes can cast doubt on your skills. To give yourself the best possible chance, proofread your resume!
Une mise en page trop fantaisiste
A systems engineer resume with an original layout can help you stand out, but be careful: too much creativity can harm your image. Make sure to find a balance between clarity, originality and professionalism. When in doubt, opt for sobriety to be on the safe side.
To easily avoid all the pitfalls, do not hesitate to write your CV online with our application generator.
Vos questions fréquentes sur la rédaction d’un CV pour ingénieur système
Comment faire un CV d’ingénieur système débutant ?
In your career objective, explain the direction you want to give to your career in order to justify your interest in the company. In the body of your application, focus on your training and the skills you have developed.
Mon CV d’ingénieur système peut-il faire plusieurs pages ?
Typically, a systems engineer resume should fit on one page. However, if you are applying for a senior position that requires some experience, you may want to organize your resume on two pages.
Dois-je envoyer mon CV d’ingénieur système embarqué en PDF ?
To preserve your layout, PDF format is recommended. Of course, if the job offer requires a specific format for applications, you must follow the instructions.
Nino Brover
Rédacteur Web en psychologie du travail
CV liés à Ingénierie
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- Exemple de CV d'électrotechnicien
- Exemple de CV d'ingénieur robotique
- Exemple de CV d’ingénieur cybersécurité
Create an exceptional systems engineer resume
Whether you want to write a systems engineer resume for Windows, Linux, macOS, or any other operating system, you now have all the tools you need to succeed. To learn more about creating a resume, be sure to check out our other articles.
Want to apply as quickly as possible? Our application builder lets you create an effective resume in just a few clicks. Take advantage of our customizable templates and pre-written content to build the ultimate application!
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